AQUARICA – Sept 5 ‘School’ Update!

The word school referring to a place of learning traces back to Greek scholē, which, surprisingly, means "leisure". To the Greeks, leisure allowed a man to spend time thinking and finding out about things. Hence, the connection between leisure and the pursuit of knowledge, and eventually to a place of learning.

The school in "school of fish" is etymologically unrelated and comes from Middle Dutch schole and is related to Old English scolu, meaning "multitude" or "school of fish," and to Modern English shoal in the same meaning.

Thanks to the Merriam Webster website for the above information. 

Enjoy all your school(s)!  Our livestock arrivals since our prior August 8 update and still available:

Assorted Male Bettas (Koi Plakats, Half-moons)

Female Koi Bettas

Neon Tetras

Black Neon Tetras

Black Phantom Tetras

Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras

White Fin Rosy Tetras

Lemon Tetras

Assorted Glo Tetras

Silver Hatchet Fish (wild caught)

Electric Blue Rams

Albino Oscar (4 inch; 12 inch available held offsite)

Lemon Oscar

Red Spotted Gold Severum

Kelberi Peacock Bass (6 inch)

Platinum Angels (locally bred)

Manacapuru Red Neck Angelfish

Blue Paraiba Angelfish

Yellow Blood Parrots (hybrid)

‘Purple’ (i.e., Red) Blood Parrots (hybrid)

‘Red’ Texas Cichlid (hybrid)

Green Terror

Firemouth Cichlid

Albino Corys

Julii Corys

Pygmy Corys (wild caught)

Brichis Splendens (wild caught)

Brochis Ambiacus (wild caught)

Otocinclus (wild caught)

L106 Orange Seam Pleco (wild caught)

German Red Bristlenose (locally bred)

Honeycomb Bristlenose

Male Guppies – Luminous White, Tiger Elephant Ear, Purple Queen, Assorted

Assorted Female Guppies

Golden Blue-Eye Bristlenose Plecos (locally bred long fin and regular)

Lamp Eye Killifish

Congo Tetras (males)

XL Albino Cherry Barbs (males)

Assorted Glo Barbs

Wapoga Alleni Rainbowfish

Golden Honey Dwarf Gouramis

Red Honey Gouramis

Pygmy Gouramis

Siamese Algae Eaters

Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)

Clown Loaches (wild caught)

African Dwarf Frogs (regular and platinum)

Caradina Shrimp – Black Crystal, Red Crystal, Blue Steel, Black Galaxy (all locally bred)

Neocaradina Shrimp – Blue Diamond, Yellow, Red Rili, Blue Jelly, Fire Red

Amano Shrimp (wild caught)

Orange Rabbit Poso Snails (wild caught)

Assassin Snails (wild caught)


Singapore Plant Order arriving Sept 5.


Another 150+ species in stock! Hope to see you soon!