AQUARICA – Feb 22, 2025 Lots of New Arrivals

Multi Shell Dweller (locally bred)

Lots of great fish arrived the last few weeks, along with a double plant order a few days ago.  Here are some of the newest arrivals and still in stock:

Female Bettas (Dumbo, Koi)

Male Bettas (Half-Moon, Koi)

Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras

Cardinal Tetras

Neon Tetras

Blind Cave Tetras

Blood Fin Tetras

Red Mask Borelli Apistos

Guapore Red Three Stripe Apistos

Electric Blue Ram

Electric Blue Acara

Assorted Discus

Geophagus Sveni

Black Ghost Knifes

CW010 Gold Laser Corys

Panda Corys

Pygmy Corys (wild caught)

Assorted Platies

Pineapple Swordtails

Assorted Male Guppies including Albino Blue Sky Red Tail

Assorted High End Guppy Pairs: Blue Tail, King Cobra

Assorted Peacock Cichlids

Rope Fish (wild caught)

Senegal Bichirs

Multifasciatus Shell Dwellers (locally bred)

Synodontis Petricola

Clown Killifish

Yellow Blood Parrot

Platinum Green Tiger Barbs

Dwarf Neon Gouramis

Neon Dwarf Rainbows

Pea Puffers (wild caught)

Denison Barbs

Harlequin Rasboras

Golden White Cloud Minnows

Siamese Algae Eaters

Kuhli Loaches (wild caught)

Hillstream Loaches (wild caught)

Hi-fin Loaches

Large Orandas

Caradinas (locally bred Red Crystal, Black Crystal)

Assorted Neocaradinas (lots of colours)

Bamboo Shrimp (wild caught)

Assassin Snails (wild caught)

White Wizard Snails (wild caught)

Blue Ramshorn Snails (locally bred)

African Dwarf Frogs


Lots of great fish still available from prior orders including german blue rams, green neon tetras, glowlight danios, lots of wild caught fancy plecos, assorted varieties of corys, and more.

Assorted Plants including:

Anubias var nana on Wood, Anubias Petite on Wood, Java Fern on Wood

Mother plants of Amazon Swords (Americanus, Cordifolius, Martii, Radicans)

Mother plants of Anubias barteri var barteri

Java Fern Mats, Potted Java Fern (Lg)

Anubias (Golden Coin, Coffefolia, Striped, Barteri var nana, Barteri var Barteri (Broad Leaf))   

Amazon Swords (Devil Eye, Fancy Twist, Ozelot Green, Ozelot Red, Paul Kloecker, Amazonicus, Bleheri, Osiris)

Tiger Lotus Red

Banana Plants

Vallisneria spiralis

Egeria Densa




Assorted Tropica 1-2 Grow Cups


And more!  Hope to see you soon!

Please – Be Canadian. Buy Canadian.

As proud Canadians, it is more important than ever that we support our fellow Canadians.  Many Canadian sectors will be hurt by the US tariffs meaning less money coming into Canada.  To keep our economy strong, we need to keep money in Canada by buying more Canadian made products, from Canadian companies.  Where possible, Aquarica will reduce or eliminate spending on US made products and products from US based companies.  We encourage you to take actions in your life to Buy Canadian.  We are The True North Strong and Free!  

Aquarica will be taking the following steps:

1. We will increase our reliance on local/Canadian fish breeders and plant growers.

2. We will increase our product line of Hagen products (trading under the names Hagen, Fluval, Aquaclear, Marina, Exo Terra, etc).  Hagen is a family-owned Canadian company.

3.  We will no longer stock GloFish. GloFish is trademarked by a US firm (Spectrum Brands) which controls all GloFish production in the world.  Other than GloFish, all our livestock comes from local breeders, and countries in Asia, Central America, and Sri Lanka.  

4. We will not expand our current product offerings from US owned companies such as Aqueon, Mars Inc. (API), Caribsea, Feller Rocks, Zoo Med, and Seachem. To balance our customers needs, we will continue to carry existing products from these suppliers, with a long-term goal to replace with Canadian and non-US made products.   

 5. We will not add any US based fish foods to our lineup.  Our current selection of fish food is from non-US providers: Fluval and Northfin are Canadian based, Hikari is Japanese, Tropical is Polish, and Vitalis is UK based.